Although nestled in Southwest Florida, Naples Botanical Garden’s impact reverberates throughout the Caribbean and Central America, where it plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the future of our planet’s plants.
Why these places? We share common temperature ranges, soil conditions and plant matter with our southern neighbors. What’s more, the Caribbean is a biodiversity hotspot, teeming with unique species at risk of extinction. As the coordinator of the Caribbean and Central American Botanic Gardens Network, Naples Botanical Garden is a central figure in preserving this biodiversity. It serves as a knowledge exchange hub, an organizer of conferences, a resource for training, and a catalyst for forming partnerships—and the appreciative recipient of information, insight, and strategies from our colleagues.
In 2023, Network members finalized a new Plant Conservation Strategy for the Caribbean Region. The action plan features 20 targets that guide regional conservationists in preserving plant diversity.
Despite the persistent challenges, our collective efforts hold the potential to ensure a sustainable future.
The map below shows our international collaborations.