Donate to Jardin Botanique des Cayes, Haiti recovery efforts today
Naples Botanical Garden remains committed to supporting our partners. The Garden’s relationship with the Jardin Botanique is not only a decade in the making, but has resulted in significant impact on endangered plant species, research, and a deep conservation-focused collaboration.
Funds directed to this initiative will go directly to providing materials to support the rebuilding of the Jardin Botanique des Cayes.
The Jardin Botanique’s impact on Haiti, the Caribbean, and the tropical world is based on applied science, including environmental impact studies, floristic inventories, and research on species migration in the face of climate change. It provides training and internships through universities along with many courses for the next generation of botanical garden professionals.
With a diverse landscape of native, forest, endemic, ornamental, medicinal and fruit plants, the Jardin Botanique des Cayes support their area in reforestation management and best practices in the landscape. Staff also organize symposia, fairs, plant festivals, expeditions, and training to grow engagement among the local and scientific community.

100% of funds donated using this link will be used toward
Jardin Botanique des Cayes recovery and restoration efforts.